It all began in a world where dragons roamed the land and knights fought with valor and honor.
And then there was Dink. Can a simple pig farmer thrust into an epic journey of magic and adventure save the world?
Dink Smallwood HD is the newly remixed version of the irreverent old-school RPG adventure cult classic brought to you by the original creators.
Check our Dink Wiki for more info and older versions.
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Download from the App Store (iOS)
Download from Google Play (Android)
Download for OSX<-- Old and outdated
- Remastered original CD soundtrack
- New quality of life features like Super Fast Mode to skip dialog and save states
- Built-in DMOD support, browse and play hundreds of adventures
- Upgraded engine, Dink never looked or sounded better!
- Supports both DirectInput and XInput controllers
- Mobile versions are compatible with desktop saves, even for DMODs!
- Open sourced on github with a vibrant community on The Dink Network
iPad/Windows Size:
Smaller screenshots from iPhone/Android: